Welcome to The Armada Maps National Treasures Digital Exhibition.

Discover more about the Armada campaign, who the key ‘players’ were, and how the National Museum of the Royal Navy’s Armada Maps enrich the story for future generations.

See how our collection charts the story of the doomed campaign as it happened and how these original records impacted later iterations. 

How did this incredible collection come into being, what was their purpose, and how did they influence other contemporary works?

Reveal the secrets of this rare chart, produced in Rome, that show the Armada campaign from a totally different viewpoint. 

Follow the journey of the Armada Maps and how they came into the ownership of the National Museum of the Royal Navy.

Who were the main protagonists in this conflict, what motivated them, and why did the weather become such a deciding factor?

Learn about the scientific discoveries unlocked within the Armada Maps with the support of the National Archives.