Map 5: The Engagement near Portland Bill

The San Salvador, which had been set adrift during the night, can be seen in red on fire to the bottom left of the chart, between the two fleets. Both it and the Rosario would remain the only ships captured by the English throughout the battle.
The English fleet astern of the Armada can be seen gradually regrouping, with more vessels leaving Dartmouth, Tor Bay, Exmouth, and Lyme Regis.
The battle took place in the morning of Tuesday 2 August 1588, when the Regazona, engaged the Ark Royal. The battle would be joined by the Nonpariel, Elizabeth Jonas, and Victory, on the English side, against the San Mateo, Rata Encoronada and San Juan de Sicilia.
Another battle had developed to the north of the two fleets. The Triumph, with the Merchant Royal, Centurion, Margaret and John, Mary Rose, and Golden Lion, which had become separated from the main fleet were engaged by the Spanish, their large bank of oars clearly shown on the map.
Later on, both the Ark Royal and the Duke of Medina Sidonia’s San Martin would join the fight, with the San Martin coming under heavy fire for about an hour and, although heavy fire was exchanged, the English caused little real damage to the Spanish ships.