Map 9: The fireship attack

On the morning of Sunday 7 August 1588, the Duke of Medina Sidonia received the news that the Duke of Parma was still at Bruges, and would not be able to sail for another fortnight. Medina Sidonia decided to stay put and sent men to Calais to procure provisions.


A council of war took place aboard the Ark Royal, where the decision to use fireships had been agreed. Initially the plan was to procure ships from Dover, however, they soon realised that the ships would not be ready for the night time attack, and so eight privately owned ships from the fleet were chosen.


Although the fireships may not have inflicted a great deal of damage to the Armada, it drove the fleet from their anchorage, led to the loss of numerous anchors and cables, and due to the prevailing winds and currents meant that the Spanish would never be able to rendezvous with the Duke of Parma’s forces. It would remain the greatest tactical move of the entire campaign. The map shows the eight fireships between the two fleets, with several ships leaving Dover on route to meet up with the English fleet.